About Us

Who we are

CO2GeoNet is the European scientific body on CO2 geological storage.

The not-for-profit Scientific Association currently comprises 27 research institutes from 21 European countries, and brings together over 300 researchers with the multidisciplinary expertise needed to address all aspects of CO2 storage.

With activities encompassing joint research, training, scientific advice, information and communication, CO2GeoNet has a valuable and independent role to play in enabling the efficient and safe geological storage of CO2.

CO2GeoNet was created in 2004 as a Network of Excellence supported by the EC FP6 programme for 5 years. In 2008, CO2GeoNet became a non-profit association under French law.

From 2013, the membership of CO2GeoNet expanded thanks to the support of the now completed FP7 CGS Europe project. New Members continue to join CO2GeoNet to further enhance the pan-European coverage and expertise of the Association. 

What we offer

  • An expert perspective on CO2 geological storage
  • An open forum for exchange and discussion with all interested parties
  • Access to knowledge and expertise extending across all relevant disciplines and geographically wide-ranging, larger than that achievable by any one single organization
  • Definition and promotion of best practices
  • Inputs to policy and regulation at national and international levels
  • Engagement and building trust with the general public by providing independent information
  • Support to the capacity building required for the full-scale deployment of CO2 geological storage.

CO2GeoNet Flyer

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Our values

  • Scientific honesty and quality, collegiality, openness and respect of the diversity of stakeholders’ opinions
  • Independency, integrity, objectivity and impartiality, through internal review and self-regulation of ethical issues within the Association
  • We welcome collaboration with, and funding from public or private organizations that respect these values.

Our ambitions

As an Association gathering principal research organizations that have been studying the geological storage of CO2 since the 1990s, CO2GeoNet aims to:

  • Provide and disseminate integrated scientific research results and synthesized knowledge to contribute to the improvement of technical, economic, regulatory aspects and public awareness of CO2 storage
  • Be the preferred source of impartial scientific and technical information and advice for the European Union, industry, regulators, the general public and other CCS stakeholders
  • Contribute to the identification of knowledge gaps and the formulation of new research targets
  • Foster interaction and exchange of information and views between CO2 storage researchers and CCS stakeholders
  • Foster the training of upcoming generations of scientists that will be needed for a widespread deployment of the technology, by being a source of unbiased information, excellent tutors and training programmes in the science of CO2 storage
  • Expand our membership in order to provide an excellent, robust, multidisciplinary and pan-European knowledge/skills base for the implementation of the geological storage of CO2.


CO2GeoNet's Strategy and Values

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meet our members

Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) is the central geoscientific authority in Germany providing neutral and independent information and advice to the German Federal Government, the German parliament, national industry organizations and individual entitites. BGR also represents the Federal Republic of Germany in international geoscientific committees. It is subordinate to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and has a staff of around 750 people.

BGR is one of the competent authorities in Germany according to the German CCS law and it is committed in international committees with relevance for CCS such as the ISO Technical Committee “Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage” (ISO/TC265).

BGR was one of the founding members of CO2GeoNet at the time of the EC contract and is now a cooperating partner of the CO2GeoNet Association as defined by a cooperation agreement.

Since the year 2000, BGR has been investigating various aspects of the geological storage of CO2 in different locations and regions inside and outside Germany, partnered by national and foreign research institutions, geological surveys, and industrial partners. Research activities have focused on the following topics:

  • Storage options and potentials as well as interactions with other subsurface usages focusing on national assessments(e.g., projects Geothermal Atlas, Storage Catalogue of Germany, GESTCO, GEOCAPACITY, CO2STORE, COOSKA, CO2Dissolved).

  • CO2 plume development and brine migration by reservoir simulations (e.g., CO2BRIM, CLUSTER, GESTCO, CO2STORE).

  • Geochemical processes in geological storage reservoirs studied by laboratory experiments, natural analogue studies & geochemical simulations with special focus on impacts of impurities (e.g., projects CLUSTER, COORAL, CO2QUEST, ULTimateCO2, CLEAN, CSEGR, DYNAMIS, CSEGR).

  • Monitoring, in particulargas-geochemical monitoring and microbiological monitoring (e.g., projects MONACO, CO2ReMoVe, CLEAN, CASTOR).

  • Development of Safety and Monitoring concepts and guidelines for CO2 storage (e.g., projects MONACO, STABILITY, CO2ReMoVe, NASCENT).
  • Potential impacts of CO2 on the environment as studiedat sites of natural CO2 emanations, field test sites or (potential) storage pilot sites (e.g., projects RISCS, CLEAN, RECOBIO II, NASCENT, CO2GeoNet).


British Geological Survey

The British Geological Survey

The British Geological Survey (BGS) was established in 1835 and is the United Kingdom’s national geological survey and one of the world’s major centres of geoscientific knowledge, expertise and excellence. It is the UK's premier provider of objective and authoritative geoscientific data, information and knowledge for sustainable use of natural resources, reducing risk and living with the impacts of environmental change. BGS is  a  public sector  organization  responsible for  advising  the UK  government  on all  aspects  of geosciences, as well as providing impartial geological advice to industry, the public and academia. BGS is a component institute of the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

BGS is a world leader in the field of geological storage of CO2. It is the largest storage research centre in the UK with over 30 active researchers and a track record in CCS going back to 1991. Over the past two years BGS has carried out more than 60 CO2 storage projects. Our current annual Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) turnover is £1.3M. For more information please see the CO2 storage research pages on our website.

Since coordinating the first EC funded CCS research and development project (Joule 2) BGS has played a major role in CO2 storage research through projects funded by research grants from the European Commission (e.g. FP5, FP6, FP7, EuropeAid), UK funding (e.g. NERC, EPSRC, UKCCSRC), industry and through own funding. BGS has a seat on the Co-ordination Group of the UK CCS Research Centre (UKCCSRC) and provides two UKCCSRC Research Area Champions.  BGS is Storage Coordinator for the CCS Joint Programme of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and is a founding partner of the CO2GeoNet Association.

Examples of a few recent projects and roles are given below:

The GeoEnergy Research Centre (GERC) is a pioneering joint venture co-founded by BGS and the University of Nottingham (UoN). As part of this partnership, the GeoEnergy Test Bed has been established, this subsurface field laboratory will be used to assess fluid-rock interaction, sensor development and to support advanced reservoir modelling techniques relating to sustainable energy technologies including CCS.

BGS hosts and develops the UK CO2 Storage Evaluation Database in partnership with The Crown Estate. This database represents a state of the art assessment of storage potential of the offshore UK. Development of the database was funded by  the ETI and the Crown Estate.

BGS is a core member of the BIGCCS Centre (Research Council of Norway and industry funding, 2009 – 2017). The goal of the Centre is to enable sustainable power generation from fossil fuels based on cost-effective CCS. The BIGCCS Centre develops new knowledge and technologies required to accelerate deployment of large scale CCS through international cooperation, innovation and value creation.

BGS is responsible for development of the IEAGHG web-based storage site monitoring selection tool which identifies and prioritises technologies that could form part of a monitoring programme (funded by IEAGHG)

BGS lead the DiSECCS project (EPSRC research grant, 2013 – 2017). This project brings together monitoring datasets from the World’s three industrial scale CO2 storage sites at Sleipner, Snohvit and In Salah to develop and test advanced and innovative monitoring tools and methods for the measurement and characterisation of the CO2 storage reservoirs through advanced seismic techniques.

BGS is also partner in a new NERC-funded grant (2016-2020) to assess CO2 migration processes in storage site overburdens; Characterization of major overburden leakage pathways above sub-seafloor CO2 storage reservoirs in the North Sea (CHIMNEY).

The ULTimateCO2 FP7 project (2011 – 2015) focused on the long-term processes involved in the geological storage of CO2 in order to increase confidence in the long-term efficiency and safety of CCS. BGS was Work Package leader responsible for directing research on long-term geochemical reactions in reservoir systems following CO2 injection.

The QICS controlled subsea release project (funded by NERC and the Scottish Government, 2010 – 2014) improved understanding of the sensitivities of the UK marine environment to CO2. The aim of the project was to understand potential impacts if leakage were to occur from a CCS project. BGS was lead partner on drilling and CO2 injection for the project.

The CO2CARE project (funded through EC FP7 and industrial sponsorship, 2011 – 2014) delivered technology and procedures for abandonment and post-closure safety, satisfying the regulatory requirements for transfer of responsibility. BGS coordinated the development of dry-run site closure applications for the Sleipner, Ketzin and K12-B storage sites.

The SiteChar FP 7Project (2011 – 2013) researched development of site characterisation methodologies to satisfy European regulations relating to CO2 storage. BGS coordinated the assessment of dry-run storage licence applications for possible UK and Danish storage sites on behalf of representatives of industry, academia and regulatory bodies.


Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres

BRGM is France’s Public Institution responsible for mobilising the Earth Sciences in the sustainable management of natural resources and the subsurface domain. It contributes advice and expert assessments to public authorities.

BRGM research and development programmes support innovation and work in the following areas: mineral resources, groundwater, development planning and natural risks, environment and pollution, environmental metrology, mapping and digital information systems. With a staff of 860 employees, BRGM is present in all the Regions of France through its network of Regional Geological Surveys and has been active for many years in more than 40 countries throughout the world.

BRGM is acknowledged within France as a leading authority on CO2 sequestration. BRGM was involved in the pioneer EU Joule project ten years ago and has been involved since in many other CO2 projects: SACS, SACS2, GESTCO, NASCENT, WEYBURN, CO2NET, CO2STORE, SAMCARDS, PICOR. BRGM present expertise in CO2 research concerns: 1) geochemical modelling of CO2-water-rock interactions; 2)coupled geochemical-transport-flow modelling; 3) microseismic monitoring; 4) soil gas survey monitoring; 5) geochemical monitoring; 6) long term risk assessment. BRGM has been leading since the Joule project the Work Packages or tasks on geochemistry or geochemical and coupled modelling and is then acknowledged in Europe as an expert on the geochemical aspects of CO2 storage. BRGM will also bring to the NoE significant expertise from other research domains (e.g. geothermal energy, radioactive waste storage, mineral exploration, natural hazards, contaminated sites) that can be transferred to CO2 storage research, such as geomechanical modelling, geochemical and geomechanical experiments, and a wide range of geophysical and remote sensing monitoring methods. Concerning the other items of the Joint Programme of Activities, BRGM will have a key role in: integrating activities: share of research infrastructure (analytical and experimental facilities, modelling tools, monitoring tools), staff mobility, communication, joint research development; activities to spread excellence: professional training, conferences & workshops, media. BRGM has already experience with professional training, conferences & workshops, media in the field of CO2 research. BRGM is involved in advice to French government regarding CO2 issues by participation in two national committees: MIES (Mission Interministérielle sur l’Effet de Serre, Governmental Committee on Greenhouse Effect) and Club CO2 (French thematic club on CO2 capture and storage).


Ceska geologicka sluzba

Czech Geological Survey (CGS / Czech Republic) is the leading geological research institution in the Czech Republic. It is a state research institute supervised by the Ministry of Environment. Its staff counts about 260 people, round 170 of them being university graduates.

Geo-energy related activities of CGS have developed a significant knowledge in the field of CO2 geological storage, monitoring of CO2 and methane migration and emanation at sediment surface, formation water geochemistry, mineralogical, optical and geochemical characterisation of the reservoir rocks and seals. CGS is Czech national country representative in ENeRG (European Network for Research in Geo-Energy) and is in charge of ENeRG website www.energnet.eu. In 2004-2011, CGS was a member of CO2NET, the Carbon Dioxide Knowledge Sharing Network. CGS took part in a series of European R&D projects, incl. the FP6 EU GeoCapacity project (Assessing European Capacity for Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide) and CGS Europe (FP7 Pan-European Co-ordination Action on CO2 Geological Storage). In 2006-2010, CGS coordinated CO2NET EAST, a FP6 project focused on CCS knowledge transfer and awareness raising in new EU Member States and Candidate Countries.


Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich

ETH Zurich is one of the leading international universities for technology and the natural sciences. It is well-known for its excellent education, ground-breaking fundamental research and for implementing its results directly into practice. Founded in 1855, ETH Zurich today has more than 18,500 students from over 110 countries, including 4,000 doctoral students. To researchers, it offers an inspiring working environment, to students, a comprehensive education. Twenty-one Nobel Laureates have studied, taught or conducted research at ETH Zurich, underlining the excellent reputation of the university. According to the 2015 QS Rankings by Subject, ETH Zurich's earth scientists performed especially well, achieving the top rank for the subject Earth & Marine Sciences.

Among ETH Zurich’s strategic focus areas are climate change and energy science. In particular, energy research at ETH Zurich is geared towards the aim of enabling the 1-tonne CO2 society. Hence, ETH Zurich has taken the role of the leading house in various national projects dealing with the Carbon Capture and Storage value chain. The project CARMA explored the potential and feasibility of CCS systems deployment in Switzerland, and led to the development of a Swiss CCS roadmap to a CO2 injection test. The storage pilot test got integrated in the ongoing Swiss Competence Centre for Energy Research - Supply of Electricity. Furthermore, ETH Zurich hosts the Swiss Seismological Service with its recognized specialists for injection-induced seismicity. At European level, ETH Zurich is in the core group of ECCSEL, the European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure project. The goal is to establish and operate a world class network of complementary distributed CCS laboratories and a limited set of pilots and test sites.

Relevant memberships and project experience:

  • · ECCSEL (partner)
  • – Pan-European CCS research laboratory infrastructure, FP7/H2020
  • · SCCER-SoE (leading house)
  • – Geoenergy competence centre for energy research
  • · EERA (member): European Energy Research Alliance
  • · DECARBit (partner): Novel pre-combustion capture systems, FP7
  • · CO2NET and CO2NET2 (member): FP5/FP6 sponsored thematic network
  • · CARMA (leading house): Feasibility of CCS in Switzerland


National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology

The National Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-ecology of Romania- GeoEcoMar, is a research and development institute established in 1993, under the co-ordination of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research.

The main activities of GeoEcoMar relate to marine, deltaic and fluvial environmental and geoecological studies regarding the ecosystems of the River Danube - Danube Delta - coastal Black Sea geosystem; the environmental impact of anthropogenic structures (civil and hydrotechnical works) that are located along the Danube course and in the Danube Delta; geological-geophysical-geoecological survey of the Black Sea as well as of other marine areas; study of natural hazards in Black Sea environment (submarine landslides, tsunami, major storms, etc).

In recent years, under the leadership of Dr.eng. Constantin-Stefan Sava, Head of the Geophysical Methods for Deep Investigations Department, the Institute has started studies and analysis connected with the greenhouse emissions in Romania as well as the possibility of geological storage of CO2. Scientists from GeoEcoMar were and are actively participating in FP-6 projects: CASTOR, as subcontractors, EU Geocapacity and CO2 Net East as well as in FENCO-ERA project: Impact of communication. To boost the activity in this field in 2007 a CO2 Club was established.,Scientists from GeoEcoMar have a large experience in disseminating CCS knowledge in Romania, are involved in preparing a local CCS demonstration project by assessing potential storage sites and provide the geological expertise for the implementation of EU Directive on CO2 geological storage in Romania.

National activities/networks: GeoEcoMar is part of the national task force organised at governmental level for the implementation of the EU Directive for CO2 storage and is a founder member of the CO2 Club association.

GeoSphere Austria

Bundesanstalt für Geologie, Geophysik, Klimatologie und Meteorologie

GeoSphere Austria is the Federal Institute for Geology, Geophysics, Climatology and Meteorology since January 1, 2023. It was formed by the merger of the Geologische Bundesanstalt (GBA) and the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG). As the national geological, geophysical, climatological and meteorological service, GeoSphere Austria plays an important role in increasing Austria’s resilience and disaster preparedness. By contributing to a prevention-oriented approach to climate change, Geosphere Austria aims to secure a sustainable development of Austria.

GeoSphere Austria employs about 500 people, with locations in Vienna at the Hohe Warte and the Neulinggasse. Regional offices are located in Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Graz and Klagenfurt. In addition, GeoSphere Austria operates the Sonnblick Observatory in Salzburg, the Conrad Observatory near Pernitz and a geophysical test site near Melk (both in Lower Austria).


Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), established in 1888, is a research and advisory institute under the Danish Ministry for Environment and Energy.

The main mission of GEUS comprises provision of R&D and advisory services for government agencies, local authorities and private enterprises in Denmark as well as internationally. Key scientific areas include: ground water and surface water resources, petroleum resources and subsurface energy storage/disposal, raw materials and minerals resources, geological mapping of Denmark, Greenland and the Faeroe Islands, marine geology, environmental impacts assessment, and physical & electronic data storage for the Kingdom. Current staff is about 450, with some 200 holding academic degrees. Annual turnover is about DKK 225 million (c. 30 million Euro). GEUS has conducted research pertaining to geological sequestration of CO2 since 1993, being one of the European pioneers in this area. GEUS has lead or contributed to a number of RTD projects, including; SACS Phases Zero, 1 and 2, GESTCO (project manager), CO2NET 1 & 2 (initiator and co-ordinator of RTD strategy activity), Weyburn (Canadian CO2 EOR), CCP (sub-project on aquifer storage) and CO2Store (co-ordinator of 4 onshore site-specific activities). In addition, GEUS is actively engaged in a number of international forums including IEA (Greenhouse Gas Programme, Oil and Gas Advisory Group, WPFF Task Force on Zero Emissions), European Commission and Parliament (expert workshops, evaluations, FEE etc.) and the IPCC ongoing activity aiming at gaining acceptance of CO2 capture and storage as a Kyoto Protocol mechanism.


Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum

GFZ was founded in 1992 as the national research institution for geosciences in Germany and is ab initio member of the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres. With currently 1100 staff GFZ combines all solid earth science fields including geodesy, geology, geophysics, mineralogy, palaeontology and geochemistry, in a multidisciplinary scientific and technical environment.

The GFZ is built up by five departments: geodesy and remote sensing, physics of the Earth, geodynamics and geomaterials, chemistry of the Earth, and Earth surface processes. The departments are accompanied by Geo-Engineering Centres, e.g., for tsunami early warning, for geothermal energy research, and underground storage of CO2.

The Centre for Geological Storage CGS is in charge of management and research at the CO2 storage site of Ketzin. There, the storage of a maximum 100,000 t of CO2 is permitted (65,000 tonnes of CO2 already injected by May 2013) and several European and German projects are already integrated, among them CO2SINK and CO2ReMoVe. Their synergy is leading to an exhaustive characterization of the site and has allowed the development and deployment of a rich and innovative monitoring network to observe the plume migration and reservoir behaviour. The Centre for Geological Storage CGS is also active at the international level, as member of the International Performance assessment Centre for CO2-Storage (IPAC) and within the Helmholtz-Alberta Initiative (HAI) with the University of Alberta.

Relevant project experience (most recent only):

  • CO2SINK - CO2 Storage by Injection into a Natural Saline Aquifer at Ketzin
  • CO2ReMoVe - CO2 Geological Storage: Research into Monitoring and Verification Technology
  • CO2MAN - CO2 Reservoirmanagement
  • GRASP - Greenhouse-gas removal apprenticeship and student programme


Główny Instytut Górnictwa, Central Mining Institute

The Central Mining Institute (GIG), established in 1925, is one of the largest research institutes in Poland, working for the benefit of the mining industry and also for the enterprises representing different branches, state and local administration and foreign partners. GIG’s activities are mainly focused on mining and environmental engineering, occupational safety, material engineering, education and training. As one of the very first European scientific organizations GIG got involved in CCS-related issues i.e. RECOPOL project and later into MOVECBM, CO2REMOVE, ECCSEL, TOPS and many other CCS-related activities. GIG is actively involved in all aspects of CCS/CCU chain i.e.: Capture – Transport – Storage – Use providing also expertise on risk assessment and public perceptions of CCS/CCU. GIG has a unique combination of highly qualified scientists, modern laboratories and equipment, making it one of the well-known R&D units with more than 90 years of international expertise and scientific excellence.


Heriot-Watt University

The Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering at Heriot-Watt University (formerly Institute of Petroleum Engineering) focuses on subsurface engineering technology and innovation for the low-carbon transition, sustainable energy and responsible resource management.


 SCCS Research Projects

A number of projects have been carried out as part of SCCS (Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage – www.sccs.org.uk). HWU is a founder member of this group, along with the British Geological Survey and the University of Edinburgh. We have taken part in projects to assess potential storage sites in deep saline formations under the North Sea, and also to evaluate enhanced oil recovery and CO2 storage in hydrocarbon reservoirs.  In particular, we specialise in numerical simulation of CO2 injection into realistic reservoir models.


Centre for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Solutions

This group performs experiments on core plugs and micromodels to investigate oil and gas recovery mechanisms at high pressures and temperatures.  They also perform numerical simulations to generalise the results of the research.


PVT and Hydrates

The PVT group studies the effect of impurities on the properties of CO2.


GeoEnergy Group

This group studies flow, mechanics and gas sorption in porous and fractured low permeability rocks. Further work deals with induced seismicity during storage or depletion and fugitive gas emissions from geological storage or gas production sites .




IFP Energies nouvelles

IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) is a major research and training player in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From research to industry, technological innovation is central to all its activities, structured around three strategic priorities: sustainable mobility, new energies and responsible oil and gas.

IFPEN develops technologies to address the demand for major chemical intermediates and oil products meeting the strictest standards in terms of vehicle pollutant emissions, at the same time reducing their environmental impact and CO2 emissions. In addition, IFPEN works with the oil and related industries on cutting-edge technologies in target sectors, such as exploration, enhanced oil recovery, offshore production or gas sweetening.

IFPEN mission is to provide the industry with innovative and efficient tools and technologies, with a view to ensure a safe and sustainable energy transition. Delivering processes, chemicals, equipments, software and methodologies for CO2 capture and geological storage is one priority of IFPEN.

IFPEN is working on the whole CCS chain, developing innovative industrial processes for capturing CO2 and knowledge and tools for the management of CO2 geological storage. IFPEN is a major actor in this field, coordinating and participating in many national and European projects for more than 20 years.


Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

Instituto Geológico y Minero de España- IGME is a public research organism that belongs to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Its goal is to provide support to other administration bodies and to the society in general about all activities related to Earth Sciences. IGME has been a partner of the GeoCapacity Project and it is now Work Package coordinator at the COMET Project, both financed by the Framework Programme.

IGME has also participated in national initiatives related to geological storage, as PSE-CO2 project and CenitCO2. In this project, technicians involved belong to the area of Subsoil and Geological Storages Investigation. IGME is also ivolved in the monitorization programme of the pilot test site of Hontomín, ran by the City of Energy Foundation (CIUDEN).

Fields of Experties

  • Site characterization
Geological Modelling 

  • Simulation

  • Gravimetry

CGS Projects

  • COMET (7th Framework Programme)
  • CGS Europe (7th Framework Programme) 

  • INNSONDA (National Strategy for Innovation, Innpacto Programme) 

  • PORE CO2 (National Plan for Research and Development)


Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London

Imperial College is a technological university having a strong international reputation in teaching and research across the main areas of science and technology. The College has around 1750 full-time members of academic and research staff involved in research.

In the latest Higher Education Funding Council Research Assessment Exercise, covering all universities, the Department was accredited with the maximum score of 5* for its international research excellence. Research carried out by the Group at Imperial College since 1990 has established the Group as an internationally recognised multi-disciplinary research centre dealing with coalbed methane and enhanced coalbed methane technology, environmental modelling and risk assessment. A number of projects funded by the UK Research Councils, UK Department of Trade and Industry, the European Commission and industry led to the development of a unique CMB simulator (METSIM) which has recently been extended as an ECBM/CO2 Storage simulator (METSIM2) through the EC Energie Programme funded project ICBM, co-ordinated by IMPERIAL.

Examples of related research projects:

(1) "Numerical simulation of methane flow in coal seams",

(2) "An experimental and theoretical investigation into coalbed methane well performance prediction and stimulation modelling",

(3) "Coalbed methane well stimulation-modelling and performance prediction",

(4) "An investigation into horizontal borehole technology for improved coalbed methane recovery",

(5) “Methane production simulation from abandoned mines (METSIM)”,

(6) “An investigation into the effects of matrix swelling on coal permeability for ECBM and CO2 sequestration assessment",

(7) “Development of advanced reservoir characterisation and simulation tools for improved Coalbed Methane Recovery (ICBM)”,

(8) “Assessment of hazardous gas emissions to the surface over former mined areas (MINGAS)”,

(9) “An experimental investigation into permeability enhancement in coalbed methane reservoirs”,

(10) “Modelling the uncertainty and risks associated with the design and life cycle of CO2 sequestration in coalbed methane reservoirs (ECBM-RISK),

(11) ”ECBM Software Code development/comparison project (Geo-Seq)”,

(12) “CO2, from capture to storage (CASTOR)”,

(13) “CO2 Life Cycle and Impact Assessment in Capture and Geological Storage (CO2LCA).


Middle East Technical University Petroleum Research Center

Middle East Technical University Petroleum Research Center (METU PAL) was founded in 1991 with the collaboration of Middle East Technical University Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, General Directorate of Petroleum Affairs and Undersecretariat of Treasury. METU PAL is a developed research center that continues fuel quality check analysis and provides national/ international consulting services as well as analytical solutions about petroleum industry and any related energy and environmental issues. Since 1994, METU PAL provides quality check and standard compliance control analysis to the petroleum sector and since 2004 the center has the accreditation provided by Turkish Accrediation Agency (TURKAK) on TS EN ISO IEC 17025 Standard. Analysis of gasoline, diesel oil, fuel oil, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), mineral oil and waste oil quality check are conducted at METU PAL with high technology equipment. With the continuous follow-up of fuel that is transferred from refineries to distribution companies, from fuel stations to the consumers, both consumers and companies are protected. In this context, METU PAL is designated as an umpire laboratory with the February, 15 2001- Number: 24319 issue of The Official Gazette by Undersecretariat of Customs. Center is also conducting researches related to oil/gas and geothermal reservoir evaluations, natural gas and carbon dioxide storage. PAL is involved in international and national projects such as CGS Europe, ENOS as well as some contracted researhes in petroleum and geothermal sector.


Mission of METU PAL:

  • Developing projects that meet the needs of public and private sector on oil and natural gas exploration and production, refinery, transportation and environmental issues
  • Continuing quality check and standard compliance control analysis of petroleum and petroleum products and developing new analysis methods for this purpose
  • Following the recent developments and studies of international research centers and oil industry
  • Providing a research environment giving rise to the development of new technologies and scientific methods for petroleum sector
  • Supplying services to the oil companies on their demands
  • Organizing training programs on related areas


Main objectives of METU PAL:

  • Ensuring the continuity of confidence towards PAL with impartial and high quality results
  • Providing the continuation of development, good professional and technical practice and meeting the customer needs
  • Working according to the principles of proficiency, impartiality, independency, productivity, transparency, honesty and respect
  • Providing the requirements for the confidentiality
  • Concerning environmental issues and acting accordingly


Based on its quality policy, METU PAL continues its activities according to national/ international standards with high technology test equipment, participates in inter-laboratory comparison tests and uses reference/ standard materials. METU PAL targets to meet the needs of the sector with its continuously trained professional personnel.

METU PAL has Fuel Analysis Laboratory, Waste Oil Analysis Laboratory, Natural Gas Analysis Laboratory, LPG Analysis Laboratory and Computerized Tomography Laboratory.

  • In the Fuel Analysis Laboratory, analysis of fuels such as diesel oil, biodiesel, gasoline, fuel oil and mineral oil are carried out according to TSE, ASTM, ISO standards.
  • In the Waste Oil Analysis Laboratory, mineral oil and waste mineral oil samples as well as other fuel types are analyzed. Waste Oil Analysis Laboratory is authorized by a Certificate of Competency by the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and continues waste oil category determination analysis as well.
  • In the Natural Gas Analysis Laboratory, natural gas, biodiesel and some diesel oil, gasoline analyses are carried out.
  • LPG Analysis Laboratory was founded in April 3, 2002.  In the LPG Analysis Laboratory, quality check and standard compliance control analyses of LPG products (auto gas, mixture, commercial propane and butane) are performed.
  • In the Computerized Tomography Laboratory, CT scanning of core samples are conducted, distribution of the fluids in the pores of the samples are determined and characterization of samples are performed.

Since 2006, METU PAL continues the inter-laboratory comparison scheme LabKar, which was accredited according to ISO/ IEC 17043 on September 23, 2014 by Turkish Accrediation Agency (TURKAK). In the context of inter-laboratory proficiency testing scheme LabKar, participant laboratories receive diesel oil, gasoline, mineral oil, LPG samples twice a year and biodiesel, fuel oil, jet fuel samples once a year. In 2015, 72 laboratories had participated in LabKar and the results of the analysis of 208 parameters for different fuel types were collected, evaluated statistically and reported. By LabKar, it is aimed at that participant laboratories conduct fuel analysis determined by legislators according to standards, evaluate their test results and improve their performance.


Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

NGI was formally established as a research institute on 1 January 1953 under the auspices of the Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (NTNF). In 1985, NGI was turned into an independent commercial foundation. On 1 January 2024, the operational activities (research and consultancy) were transferred to Norges Geotekniske Institutt AS, a limited company that is 100% owned by the foundation NGI. Research and consulting are combined hand-in-hand at NGI and we strive to be a bridge-builder between academia, industry, and the public sector. We have offices in Norway, Houston, and Perth that together constitute an open and sharing organization that is passionate about developing our disciplines.
For the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) market, NGI offers consulting and research services, focused on storage complex integrity, risk, and monitoring evaluations, including environmental aspects. We utilize our state-of-the-art competence in laboratory testing, numerical analyses, risk evaluation, and monitoring, instrumentation to ensure safe CO2 storage.
Since 2008, NGI has amassed extensive experience in research and consulting on CO2 storage. This includes more than 20 research projects funded by CLIMIT (Gassnova and RCN), FME, and ERA-NET ACT, within NGI's focus areas of seal integrity, risk evaluation, and monitoring. NGI has also been involved in reviewing CO2 storage permit applications within the depleted gas field in the Netherlands and is providing consulting services to the Northern Lights JV.



NORCE  is an independent research institute with research and research-related activities in Energy, Marine Environment, Social Science and Business Development with high focus on applied research. I

RIS was established in 2006 as a continuation of Rogaland Research, (founded 1973), when it became equally owned by the University of Stavanger and the regional foundation Rogalandsforskning.

NORCE - Energy focuses on research and development of new technologies related to safe and environmentally sound exploration and exploitation of oil and gas, sustainable energy, and storage of carbon dioxide. More than 35 years of research and development have given significant contributions to the oil and gas industry, especially within improved oil recovery and cost efficient and safe drilling operations. Verification is performed in full scale at the onshore Ullrig Drilling and Well Centre and in our Petroleum laboratory facilities.

Automated Drilling and Multiphase Reservoir Flow are IRIS Energy's priority areas.

Our capabilities and work functions span from oil field reviews and consulting, to the development of specialized and applied research techniques. Different modelling and reservoir simulations are used in a range of cases from early exploration of hydrocarbon potential, to production optimization, data assimilation using the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) technique, IOR technologies and flow of hydrocarbons or CO2 in reservoirs. State of the art laboratory facilities provide required parameters, product testing and development supporting our research activities.

Within CCS research projects IRIS are using its experience in

  • Reservoir characterization
  • Basin modelling
  • Laboratory experiments
  • Flow modelling
  • Field scale simulation
  • Optimized CO2 storage during
  • EOR Cap rock characterization


Istituto nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

The "Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS" is the Italian national research institute that promotes and performs researches and operates as national reference for co-ordinating the Italian participation in entities, projects and international research initiatives in the fields of oceanography and experimental geophysics.

In detail, the OGS performs:

1) studies and research in the fields of geophysics and environmental sciences, with special consideration to the development of applied research and its transfer to production market;

2) studies, applied research and technological development in the field of exploration, exploitation and storage of geo-energy and energy residues, as CO2, on land and at sea, in Italy and abroad;

3) studies and research in marine sciences, with a particular view to the interaction of the marine and oceanic environment with the atmosphere and the lithosphere;

4) studies and research aimed at acquiring knowledge on seismicity as well as the analysis of geodynamical and hydrodynamical phenomena influencing the environment, also for civil defence purposes;

5) studies and research aimed at developing technologies for data acquisition, processing and archiving, and new interpretative technologies applied to the exploitation of land resources and towards a better utilization of the territory.

In its long activity, OGS has gained a solid base of experience in applied researches and high-technology services for public and private clients. Of particular note are the following:

a) many years of experience in Antarctic research, using the OGS-Explora, under the aegis of the National Research Program in Antarctica (PNRA);

b) consolidated experience in seismic exploration for hydrocarbons and other minerals, and for studying the earth’s crust;

c) participation in more than 40 RTD projects financed by the European Community (Joule, Thermie, Environment, Mast, Brite-Euram programs etc...) often as co-ordinator;

d) participation in large oceanographic programs for studying the Mediterranean Sea, for protecting the marine environment (Adriatic Sea), and for marine engineering;

e) many international collaborations and with research institutions and the energy and raw materials industry, particularly ENI-AGIP, ENEL, ENEA, Statoil, Norsk Hydro.

OGS is partially funded by the Italian Government according to a Three-Years Plan of Activity. In the actual one, the following researches, related to the geological confinement of CO2, are funded:

  • numerical 3D modelling for the CO2 confinement and its implementation on massive parallel computers;
  • theory and modelling of seismic waves propagations, with application to the geologic confinement of CO2;
  • evaluation of content and stability of CO2 hydrates in geologic formations in the offshore;
  • tomographic evaluation of Q factor and anisotropy parameters, with application to the monitoring of re-injected CO2 fate.

OGS is the co-ordinator of the Italian Project “Geological sequestration of CO2 and development of the related technologies” , involving OGS, ENEA, ENI-Agip, Aquater, CNR, URS and other 13 universities. This project is in the final assessment stage and should start in October 2003.


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

The Geological Survey of Belgium, department of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, is a geo-scientific documentation centre and is a central player in national and international research and development projects.

Information and materials dealing with the subsoil can be consulted here. In order to do this, modern and historical data that become available through research and exploration, are digitally processed in databases and geographical information systems. On request, this information is processed into specific end-user products or advice. Various scientific disciplines are necessary to do this, e.g. cartography, sedimentology, mineralogy, stratigraphy, geophysics and building materials. As a part of our service providing mission, also basic social issues are dealt with, like how to use and process the subsoil in a sustainable way, and how to cope with problems caused by inappropriate use. Special attention goes to urban geology, water resources, climate change, mineral resources, environment and geo-hazards. Geology is a part of experiencing nature. That is why the development of geoparks and geosites is stimulated.

The GeoEnergy group of the Geological Survey of Belgium originated with the exploration campaigns for coal in the Flanders and the Walloon region. The expertise was extended with projects including exploration for hydrocarbons, geothermal energy, heat-cold storage, subsoil gasification of coal, storage of natural gas and reutilising mining infrastructure. From 2000 on, research is performed on the possibilities of geological storage of CO2 for national and international projects. This includes coordination of the PSS-CCS projects (Policy Support System for Carbon Capture and Storage), which are the national umbrella projects on CCS in Belgium.


SAPIENZA University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome is one of the founding members of CO2GeoNet, with a central role in the areas of gas migration mechanisms and communication of research outcomes.

The Sapienza Universityis an internationally recognised centre of excellence for education and cutting edge research. It combines its 700-year scientific tradition with a constant commitment to innovation and the spreading of knowledge. Eleven faculties coordinate over 65 departments, 59 libraries and 21 museums, serving more than 115.000 students.

It is represented in the network by the Tectonic and Fluid Geochemistry Laboratory, based at the Earth Science Department and member of the CERI Research Centre for Geological Risks. The laboratory is specialised in near-surface gas and water geochemistry since 1980, social aspects of scientific research since 2000, and structural geology since 2006, with applications focussed on CCS research over the last 10 years. In the laboratory, researchers from the fields of geology, engineering and social science work together. The wide knowledge base and expertise within the group allows for an integrated scientific research approach, which comprises soil gas studies and structural geology studies, the engineering of innovative monitoring sensors and prototypes, and the development of tools and channels for the communication with stakeholders and the public.

Research conducted in the Sapienza Tectonics and Fluid Geochemistry Lab during more than 30 years of its existence, has addressed a wide range of topics related to, for example, natural hazards (faults, earthquakes, volcanoes), environmental impact (groundwater contamination), and resource exploration (oil and gas, geothermal, minerals), as well as studies examining the safety of storing nuclear waste or CO2 gas in the deep geological sub-surface.

Research Topics and Activities

Natural Field Labs - The Tectonics and Fluid Geochemistry Lab team has developed the concept of the natural field laboratory, as a main tool for developing research activities applied to geological storage. Natural field laboratories are sites where naturally produced CO2 is leaking at the ground surface, both onshore and offshore. These sites can be properly equipped to allow researchers from different fields and countries work together in an open air laboratory.

The studies in these natural conditions allow to:

-       to better understand gas migration mechanisms in the geological environment (e.g. along faults and fracture networks);

-       to test a wide range of monitoring techniques that have been proposed for use at CCS sites (e.g. soil gas, gas flux, open path lasers, remote sensing, shallow geophysics, etc.);

-       to examine the possible impacts of a CO2 leak on the ecosystem and on groundwater quality.

The most important natural field labs where the group has developed its activities are the Latera caldera (photo above), the San Vittorino valley, and Panarea Island.

Near surface gas geochemistry:

1)    discontinuous monitoring - The Tectonics and Fluid Geochemistry Lab is one of the most experienced European research group in this field, having used soil gas geochemistry and gas flux methods since the early 1980’s as a tool for environmental, resource exploration and risk assessment studies.  A large database covering the whole National territory, with more than 40.000 gas samples, has been collected in the last 20 years.

Much of the work has been focussed on using natural field laboratories to better understand gas migration processes, to improve methodologies and to test new ones, as laser systems for atmospheric monitoring and gas sensing probes for continuous monitoring. This group has also conducted extensive research on CCS industrial sites such as In Salah (Algeria), Sulcis (Sardinia), and 5 years of monitoring at Weyburn (Canada).

Areas sampled by the Tectonics and Fluid Geochemistry Lab during the last 20 years

A particular scenario for gas monitoring are populated areas with natural release of CO2 and other gases of deep origin like Radon, such as the city of Ciampino on the southern edge of Rome and the Latera caldera. In these areas soil gas and aqueous geochemical surveys were performed, as well as gas measurements in private homes. GIS models were developed, indicating zones of elevated risk, and activities with the general public to improve local understanding and safety. These activities are still ongoing, and new sampling strategies are developing, with the aims to combine continuous and discontinuous monitoring, to cover the spatial and temporal scale of observation. Moreover, research focus at the moment is on baseline studies and how a potential leakage anomaly can be separated from background near-surface biological “noise”, as well as improved monitoring strategies, tool development, and data interpretation.

2)    Continuous monitoring: CO2GasPro monitoring station.

The team of the Tectonics and Fluid Geochemistry Lab has developed, constructed, and deployed a number of autonomous stations for the continuous monitoring of both CO2 and CH4 concentrations in air (that is, in the unsaturated soil horizon or on ground surface) and CO2 concentration in water (in groundwater wells or in surface water bodies). The system can be configured for either real-time data access via an Internet-based server or with an internal memory for intermittent data download where continual data transfer is difficult (e.g. the deep ocean).

Groundwater and surface water geochemistry.

The Tectonics and Fluid Geochemistry Lab has over 30 years of experience in aqueous geochemistry studies as applied to a wide variety of geological studies, and has laboratory capability for the analysis of major and trace elements and dissolved gases. Studies related to CCS include: examining the impact of natural CO2 seepage on the quality of shallow groundwater within the San Vittorino valley and of surface seawater near Panarea Island; studying dissolved gas distributions and processes in surface water at gas-leaking natural sites (Panarea Island, Black Sea) and at proposed industrial storage sites (Adriatic Sea); and testing long-term monitoring methods for groundwater tracers in shallow wells as related to seismic activity and sinkhole development within the city of Camaiore.

Fracture modelling and fault characterization

From 2006 the Tectonics and Fluid Geochemistry Lab team includes the contribution of structural geologists. This has allowed the group to enrich its research, integrating the study of soil gas migration with fracture modelling, fault zone characterization, geological modelling and seismic interpretation. All these aspects cover a fundamental role in the site characterization phase of geological storage. In particular, the occurrence of faults in the overburden and within the reservoir requires dedicated studies to support the development of appropriate risk assessment and monitoring strategies. Research is being developed to coupled fault zone geometry and potential leakage. The group is also engaged in fracture modelling, which is an important step to assess the capacity of a potential CO2 storage reservoir, using a field analogue approach, developed in collaboration with Schlumberger.

Study of CO2 storage perception and communication.

Since the year 2000 the Tectonics and Fluid Geochemistry Lab has started to explore the challenges of geological studies’ dissemination. Psychological studies have been undertaken to understand how to communicate the research outcomes to stakeholders and the public. In the context of CO2GeoNet the group has become a leader for Spreading of Excellence activities, coordinating the partners and promoting the integration of multidisciplinary research in the field of CO2 storage and its user friendly communication. Growingly has emerged the importance of interaction of the researchers with the wider societal context, to better address in their work what is of interest and concern to society. This has led the members of the lab to further develop tools for communicating science, as for instance lay reports and videos, and research experiences of direct sharing with stakeholders, the media and the public, as in the FP7 R&Dialogue project. A new phase of this work is going to take place in the context of the Horizon 2020 project ENOS. Research will be dedicated to explore how the collaboration of researchers with members of the public and of the local community, can help the development of satisfactory standards for all, in the best practice guidelines for the geological storage of CO2.

CCS European Community Projects

Our portfolio of EC funded projects on CCS includes in the Sixth Framework Programme: Nascent, CO2ReMoVe, MovECBM, CO2GeoNet. In the Seventh Framework Programme: RISCS, ECO2, SiteChar,  CGS Europe and R&Dialogue.



Sintef Industry

Sintef is a fully consolidated subsidiary of the SINTEF Group. The institute is organised as six departments: Basin modelling, Seismics, Formation physics, Drilling and well technology, Multiphase flow laboratory and Reservoir technology.

Professionals are specialized in areas as physics, geophysics, geology, petroleum engineering, chemistry, fluid mechanics, mechanical engineering, electronics and cybernetics. There is a close collaboration between Sintef and the other institutes within the SINTEF Group and several universities, predominantly NTNU.

Since 1987 the institute has accomplished close to 40 CO2 related projects within process technology, concepts for reduction of CO2 emissions and CO2 based EOR and aquifer storage of CO2. The institute had a prominent position within the SACS project within the field of reservoir modelling, reservoir simulation and seismic monitoring. Presently Sintef are involved in a five year competence project with user involvement (2002-2006) with overall objectives to develop a methodology to determine the optimal strategy for CO2 injection in oil reservoirs and to develop a methodology to determine the storage capacity, residence time and relevant safety aspects related to CO2 storage in aquifers in a given region. Both main activities also include seismic monitoring of injected CO2. The institute is also involved in CO2-store, CCP as well as several industry projects addressing CO2-EOR.

Sintef performs integrated reservoir studies that includes building of reservoir models based on available seismic, geological, well, fluid and core data, reservoir simulations for various production scenarios, identification of optimal development schemes and preparation of well and drilling plans. The institute has a complete infrastructure for integrated reservoir studies including reservoir technology and formation physics laboratories, necessary software and computer installations.


Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Geology

Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Geology (TalTechDG) is a research and education institution. Department of Geology (former institute of Geology of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, later TTUGI) is one of the departments of the TalTech School of Science. It is research, development and teaching department of the university. TalTechDG (TTUGI) is a pioneer in CO 2 storage research and education institution in Estonia, providing academic CO 2 storage course to international students.

TalTechDG (TTUGI) participated in EU FP and EC projects (EU GeoCapacity, CO2NetEAST, CGS Europe and CO2Stop), made research and provides regular consultations to major national energy company Eesti Energia and to the Ministry of the Environment of Estonia. TalTechDG is an active member of the BASRECCS Network launched in 2014 and participated in the BASRECCS Board since 2018. TalTechDG disseminating information in the field of CCS using CCS technology portal in Estonian and Russian and giving interview to Estonian media. TalTech DG was co-organiser of the Baltic Carbon Forum and organiser of the BASRECCS-ENOS workshop in Tallinn in September 2018. TalTech DG is a leader of the CO 2 use, transport and storage study for the cement industry (WP7) in the Horizon 2020 project CLEANKER. 

TTUGI cooperates with CO2Geonet since 2005 and became its member in 2014. The main areas of expertise are EU CCS Legislation; CO 2 storage capacity, 3D geological, geochemical, petrophysical, geophysical and economic modelling in the Baltic Sea Region. Our research results are included in our publications, PhD research of Kazbulat Shogenov and presented at the international conferences.


Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) is the largest fully independent Research, Development and Consultancy organisation in the Netherlands with a staff of about 5,400 and a total annual turnover of about 515 million Euros.

TNO its primary tasks are to support and assist trade and industry including SME’s, governments and others in technological innovation and in solving problems by rendering services and transferring knowledge and expertise. TNO has been and is participating in many EU programmes aiming at technological development. TNO performs its widely ranging activities in 15 independent institutes. TNO will be involved in the proposed work by “The Netherlands Institute of Applied Geosience - TNO National Geological Survey”, which is the central institute for geoscientific information and research in the Netherlands, working for the sustainable management and use of the subsurface and the natural resources found there. The applied geoscientific and associated technology research as well as the complex geo-advisory carried out by the institute fits with the geoscientific and technological components that are carried out by governments and business, both national and international. The institute has a long history of CO2 storage research starting more than 10 years ago with a few researchers to now at a big scale with 10-20 researchers involved in various aspects the field of CO2 sequestration. These aspects include geoscience on CO2 fluid flow in reservoirs and aquifers, geochemical and geomechanical subsurface process modelling and seismic monitoring, biogeological and hydrogeological surface process modelling and monitoring. It also includes strategy studies and health safety and environmental studies applying the geoscientific knowledge developed.

The institute closely operates with “TNO Environment, Energy and Process Innovation (TNO-MEP)” is an expert centre and contract research institute for industry and government in the field of sustainable development and environmentally oriented process innovation. This institute has also been involved in development of CO2-capture technology and related consultancy since the early nineties. TNO-NITG has been very activly involved in the creation of several relevant European networks: ENeRG, Eurogeosurveys and CO2NET. TNO will act on behalf of the Netherland’s Research School on Solid Geo-science, comprised by the University of Utrech, Fries University of Amsterdam and the Technical University of Delft.


University of Évora

The Institute of Earth Sciences (ICT) is a research center hosted by 3 Portuguese universities: University of Évora, University of Minho and University of Porto. ICT currently has 78 researchers (PhD) organized in six groups: Atmospheric Sciences, Water and Climate; Georesources and Geomaterials; Geoconservation and Geoscience Education; Environmental Monitoring and Remediation for Sustainability; and Lithosphere Dynamics.

Research on CCUS started at ICT in 2008 and resulted in the storage capacity assessment and definition of transport options for Portugal, within the scope of projects KTEJO and COMET. ICT was a partner in developing the CCS Roadmap for Portugal and has been actively promoting the technology amongst the members of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries. Currently ICT is involved in project INCARBON and in the STRATEGY CCUS Coordination and Support Action. 



University of Zagreb – Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering

University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering (UNIZG-RGNF). The Faculty is a part of the University of Zagreb and consists of several institutes that are jointly teaching four studies – Mining Engineering, Geology, Geological Engineering and Petroleum Engineering.

There are also PhD programmes in respective fields. Staff consists of 56 professors, 28 assistants and 27 other teaching collaborators. Apart from the primary activity in high education, they are usually engaged both in exploration and research activities funded by the government (20 active projects started in 2007 funded by the Croatian Ministry for Science, Education and Sport) and in various expert tasks for other investors. This research covers a wide range of activities related either to mining (blasting, soil and rock mechanics, mine completion, open pit exploitation etc.), geology (geological mapping, structure geology, petroleum geology, engineering geology, hydrogeology, geophysical prospecting, deposits of mineral raw materials etc.) or to petroleum engineering (drilling techniques, well fluids, reservoir development, management of HC reserves, production of HC’s and geothermal water, gas management, safety techniques and protection of environment).

Faculty is the CCS R&D leader in Croatia, the country representative in ENeRG (informal organisation – European Network for Research in Geo-Energy), has participated in the two ongoing FP6 projects: EU GeoCapacity (STREP) and CO2NetEAST (CA). In EU GeoCapacity, the main activities included mapping of the regional CO2 storage potential in various types of sinks (covering both the territory of the Republic of Croatia and of the neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina), and, as a part of the activity, coordinating the investigations done in the Southern group of countries (Bosnia-Croatia-Slovenia-Italy-Spain) in terms of joint methodology and cross-border correlation. In the coordinated action CO2NET EAST, the faculty has promoted the dissemination of the CCS-related research and knowledge in Croatia and neighbouring countries. In FP7 the faculty participates in the integrated project ECCO, mainly in transferring the Croatian experience in on-shore CO2 injection pilot project.

Discover our collaborations

European CCS Demonstration Project Network

The European CCS Demonstration Project Network was established in 2009 by the European Commission to accelerate the deployment of safe, large-scale and commercially viable CCS projects. To achieve this goal, this community of leading industrial-scale, and fully integrated, demonstration projects is committed to sharing knowledge and experiences. The successful operation of these demonstration projects is seen as crucial for enabling the widespread commercial application of near zero emission power plants or industrial installations to allow Europe to reach its environmental objectives, stimulate job creation, and generate a sustainable economic and industrial base.

The European CCS Demonstration Projects Network currently consists of the leading CCS projects in Europe, Compostilla (Spain), Don Valley (UK), ROAD (The Netherlands) and Sleipner (Norway). The Network is composed of one post-combustion power project, one oxyfuel power project, an IGCC power project and a gas processing, amine capture project, each capturing or planning to capture around 1MtCO2/yr. Sleipner is the only project currently in operation.


CO2GeoNet has been a member of the Advisory Forum since 2011.


Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum

The Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) is a Ministerial-level international climate change initiative that is focused on the development of improved cost-effective technologies for the separation and capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) for its transport and long-term safe storage. The mission of the CSLF is to facilitate the development and deployment of such technologies via collaborative efforts that address key technical, economic, and environmental obstacles. The CSLF will also promote awareness and champion legal, regulatory, financial, and institutional environments conducive to such technologies.

CSLF Partners

The CSLF is currently comprised of 25 members, including 24 countries and the European Commission. CSLF member countries represent over 3.5 billion people on six continents, or approximately 60% of the world's population. Collectively, CSLF member countries comprise 80% of the world’s total anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Sixteen of the twenty Mission Innovation countries are already CSLF members: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Membership is open to national governmental entities that are significant producers or users of fossil fuels and that have a commitment to invest resources in research, development and demonstration (RD&D) activities in CO2 capture and storage technologies. Additionally, the CSLF is working to facilitate international research collaborations in priority areas and to leverage funding opportunities that advance the CSLF mission through proactive engagement among the CCS academic community. The academic community plays a vital role to advance CCS technologies through research, development, and demonstration (RD&D), as well as through policy guidance and a wide range of educational programs that support development of the next generation of scientists, engineers and policymakers.


CO2GeoNet has been a CSLF-recognised project since the original FP6 CO2GeoNet project and continues to liaise with this international initiative.


Climate Technology Centre & Network

The CTCN is the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, hosted by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The Centre promotes the accelerated transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development at the request of developing countries. We provide technology solutions, capacity building and advice on policy, legal and regulatory frameworks tailored to the needs of individual countries.

Network Members form a broad community of climate technology stakeholders, including academic, finance, non-government, private sector, public sector, and research entities, as well as over 150+ National Designated Entities (CTCN national focal points selected by their countries).

Network Membership provides access to a diverse global community of climate technology users, providers and financiers under the umbrella of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism. Through its network, the CTCN mobilises policy and technical expertise to deliver technology solutions, capacity building and implementation advice to developing countries.

See the list of members and profiles

Learn more about technology sectors 


CO2GeoNet is a Network Member, offering its expertise in the sectors of expertise: 


European CCS Laboratory Infrastructure

The mission of ECCSEL is opening access for researchers to a top quality European research infrastructure devoted to second and third generation CCS technologies in an efficient and structured way to help enabling low to zero CO2 emissions from industry and power generation to combat global climate change.

The ECCSEL consortium teams up selected Centres of Excellence on Carbon Capture and Storage research (CCS) from 9 countries across Europe. The mission is to implement and operate a European distributed, integrated Research Infrastructure (RI) initially based on a selection of the best research facilities in Europe for CO2 capture, storage and transport research. A number of those facilities are planned to be upgraded in the future and later new facilities are planned to be constructed in order to:

  • Provide a scientific foundation to respond systematically to the urgent R&D needs in CCS at a Pan-European level, in a short and long term perspective
  • Maintain Europe at the forefront of the international CCS scientific community
  • Make the European Research Area more attractive for both European and international scientists, reinforce cooperative connections between research institutions and attain greater insight into the social and economic impact of European science.
  • Optimize the value of the European Communities financial support through better utilisation of new and existing research infrastructure

The consortium aims to establish ECCSEL as a robust and sustainable legally independent entity. The ambition is to become a key instrument that the European Commission can utilisze and support to meet the objectives of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan), and to interact with relevant bodies such as European Energy Research Alliance (EERA), the ZEP-TP, Lighthouse projects, EII and others.

ECCSEL aims to facilitate projects in the European Commission’s Framework programmes, future European industrial initiatives, and education of specialists for the new CCS industry.


CO2GeoNet is contributing with its members to the structuring of ECCSEL into an ERIC and to staff its Coordination center and some national nodes.


European Energy Research Alliance - CCS Joint Programme

Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is a key element in decarbonising the power and energy intensive industry sector and thus reducing anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The CCS Joint Programme (JP) is dedicated to reaching the globally agreed objectives identified as necessary enablers for large scale deployment of CCS:

  • Cost competitive and energy efficient CO2 capture methods and processes
  • Efficient, permanent and cost-effective storage
  • Effective design and operation of CO2 transport systems

CCS JP involves over 31 members and eight associated members from more than 12 countries who have committed more than 270 person years/year to carry out joint R&D activities.

The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) contributes to coordinate a massive public research effort to develop more efficient and cheaper low carbon energy technologies. CCS JP is one of EERA's joint programmes. The EERA JPs are aligned with the priorities for low carbon technologies defines in the SET-Plan.


Most of the CO2GeoNet members are as well members of ECCSEL and some are acting as EERA-CCS Programme Coordinator and Sub-programme "storage" coordinator. 


Global CCS Institute

The Global CCS Institute is an international membership organisation. Our mission is to accelerate the development, demonstration and deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS), a vital technology to tackle climate change and provide energy security.

Working with and on behalf of our Members, we drive the adoption of CCS as quickly and cost effectively as possible by sharing expertise, building capacity and providing advice and support so that this vital technology can play its part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Our diverse international membership consists of governments, global corporations, small companies, research bodies and non-government organisations, committed to CCS as an integral part of a low-carbon future.

We are headquartered in Melbourne, Australia with offices in Washington DC, Brussels, Beijing and Tokyo.

History and governance

The Institute was established in 2009 with initial funding from the Australian Government to accelerate the development of CCS globally. Our governance and advisory support comprises a Board of Directors, International Advisory Panel, Chief Executive Office and Leadership Team.

Our vision for CCS

CCS is a vital technology to tackle climate change and provide energy security

Our mission

To accelerate the development, demonstration and deployment of CCS globally

Our objectives

  • Fact-based influential advice and advocacy
  • Authoritative knowledge sharing

Our outcomes

  • Increased understanding and acceptance of CCS
  • Increased commercial opportunities for CCS
  • Increased support for CCS in international and national energy and climate change policies


CO2GeoNet has been a member of GCCSI since 2013 and became an Associate in 2014.




IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an autonomous agency established in 1974. The IEA carries out a comprehensive programme of energy co-operation among 28 advanced economies, each of which is obliged to hold oil stocks equivalent to 90 days of its net imports. The aims of the IEA are to:

  • Secure member countries’ access to reliable and ample supplies of all forms of energy; in particular, through maintaining effective emergency response capabilities in case of oil supply disruptions.
  • Promote sustainable energy policies that spur economic growth and environmental protection in a global context – particularly in terms of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions that contribute to climate change.
  • Improve transparency of international markets through collection and analysis of energy data.
  • Support global collaboration on energy technology to secure future energy supplies and mitigate their environmental impact, including through improved energy efficiency and development and deployment of low-carbon technologies.
  • Find solutions to global energy challenges through engagement and dialogue with non-member countries, industry, international organisations and other stakeholders.

To attain these goals, increased co-operation between industries, businesses and government energy technology research is indispensable. The public and private sectors must work together, share burdens and resources, while at the same time multiplying results and outcomes.

The IEA has established a CCS Unit, IEA-GHG,  which is engaged in analysing and developing options that policymakers can use for promoting safe and accountable CCS and for overcoming barriers to its deployment. 

Currently the Programme is supported by 18 member countries, the European Commission, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and 23 multi-national sponsors. Funding for the Programme is provided by the members, with individual contributions forming a common pool of research funds.


CO2GeoNet and IEAGHG signed a MoU in 2008.


ISO/TC 265 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage

Standardization of design, construction, operation, environmental planning and management, risk management, quantification, monitoring and verification, and related activities in the field of carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage (CCS).


CO2GeoNet is a Category A Liaison to ISO TC265 since early 2014.


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

With 196 Parties, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has near universal membership and is the parent treaty of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol has been ratified by 192 of the UNFCCC Parties.

The ultimate objective of both treaties is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system.


CO2GeoNet has been an observer organisation (Research NGO) of UNFCCC since 2013 and participated in COP-15 (Copenhagen, 2009), COP-19 (Warsaw, 2013), COP-21 (Paris, 2015), COP22 (Marrakech, 2016), COP23 (Bonn, 2017), COP24 (Katowice, 2018)


European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants

Founded in 2005, the European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants (ZEP) is a unique coalition of stakeholders united in their support for CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) as a key technology for combating climate change. ZEP serves as advisor to the European Commission on the research, demonstration and deployment of CCS.

The European utilities, petroleum companies, equipment suppliers, scientists, academics and environmental NGOs that together form ZEP have three main goals:

  1. Enable CCS as a key technology for combating climate change.
  2. Make CCS technology commercially viable by 2020 via an EU-backed demonstration programme.
  3. Accelerate R&D into next-generation CCS technology and its wide deployment post-2020.

ZEP was born out of the EU’s recognition of CCS as a key component of any future sustainable energy system. Its mission: to identify and remove the barriers to creating highly efficient power plants – with near-zero emissions.

The first research initiative on CCS can be found as far back as the EU’s Third Framework Programme (FP3), 1990-1994 – its main financial tool for supporting Research and Development activities for almost all scientific disciplines. Subsequent programmes – which in 2006 became seven-year programmes – have given increasing weight to CCS-related projects.

As the EU moves closer towards the deployment of CCS, ZEP will continue to serve as:

  • CCS Advisor and Facilitator - expert advice on all technical, policy, commercial and other related issues.
  • CCS Technology Contributor - input on all technology issues, including recommendations for next-generation CCS technologies, taking into account experience gained from the EU CCS Demonstration Programme.
  • Respected Communicator - educator and source of information, including engaging internationally on CCS.


CO2GeoNet has been collaborating with ZEP in the preparation of reports and by participating to its working groups.