Looking for the latest news on the status of geological storage of CO2 in Europe?
Want to know in which regions geological CO2 storage is permissible?
Seeking information on hot spots for research and practical demonstration? Concerned about barriers hindering deployment in a particular country?
Look no further! The latest CO2GeoNet State of Play on CO2 storage in Europe puts this information right at your fingertips.
Pathways to the Paris Agreement targets require significant emission reduction and even negative emissions; CO2 capture and storage has an essential role to play. The role of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) in meeting national emission targets is under discussion in many European countries. Several full-chain CCS projects are evolving, including around large-scale cross-border CO2 transport infrastructures. CCS is of increased interest to cut emissions from industrial and energy intensive sources where there is no other option. Research projects on aspects of the CCS chain, funded through EC and national programmes, have made significant advances in refining aspects of CO2 storage. These recent developments motivated the CO2GeoNetAssociation to prepare an update on the State-of-play on geological storage of CO2 in Europe.
The report addresses the following: national policies and climate-protection strategies; national legislation and regulations; national storage options, potential and capacity; large-scale demonstration projects, pilot and test sites for CCS; research activities with respect to CO2 storage; national actors driving CCS forward, public awareness and engagement. The report draws on responses to a questionnaire completed by national experts to provide an up to date summary on these key topics, with the completed questionnaires appended to offer a detailed country-by-country view.
Report available at: http://www.CO2geonet.com/state-of-play/
Report citation: CO2GeoNet (2021): State-of-play on CO2 geological storage in 32 European countries — an update, CO2GeoNet Report, 325 p.; DOI: 10.25928/CO2geonet_eu32-o21u