CO2GeoNet Autumn Webinar - 20-21 September 2021

Published time: 23 August, 2021 12:00

On the 20 – 21st September, CO2GeoNet hosted an Autumn Webinar showcasing some of the recent progress in deploying CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) to meet climate targets.

On day 1, the keynote presentation was given by Maria Velkova from DG CLIMA on the European Green Deal and CCS strategy in Europe. This was followed by presentations on the status of forerunner projects and emerging CCUS technologies and new projects. On day 2, the keynote presentation was given by Paal Frisvold, EU Climate Pact Ambassador Norway, on the transition to a sustainable future. This was followed by updates from projects assessing and applying CCS to industrial processes and developments from research projects on monitoring, verification and risk management at CO2 storage sites.

20th September 2021, 14:00 – 16:30 CET 
Chair: Ceri Vincent, CO2GeoNet President 
14:00 Welcome  Ceri Vincent President of CO2GeoNet 
14:05 Keynote: Progress of the European Green Deal & CCS strategy in Europe  Maria Velkova DG Clima 
14:25 Q&A session   
Session 1: Status of European/international forerunner projects 
14:30 CTSCo Surat Basin CCS Project  Darren Greer CTSCo Australia 
14:45 Northern Lights/Longship  Stephane Vignau Equinor 
15:00 New Canadian projects  Rick Chalaturnyk University of Alberta 
15:15 Panel discussion/Q&A  
Session 2: Emerging CCUS technologies and new projects
15:30 Hydrogen and CCS in a circular economy - The Greensands project (copyright CC by NC) Niels H. Schovsbo GEUS
15:45 The ACCSESS project - Capture of biogenic CO2, transport and storage in the North Sea Kristin Jordal SINTEF
16:00 Hydrogen activities in Portugal  Sofia Simões LNEG
16:15 Panel discussion/Q&A 
16:25 Closing remarks  Roman Berenblyum CO2GeoNet ExCo Chair  

21st September 2021, 14:00 – 16:45 CET 

Chair: Ceri Vincent, CO2GeoNet President 
14:00 Welcome  Ceri Vincent President of CO2GeoNet 
14:05 Keynote: Societal transition to a sustainable future  Paal Frisvold EU Climate Pact Ambassador Norway 
14:25 Q&A session   
Session 1: Recent progress in industrial CCS projects
14:30 Steel/Pulp&Paper/Waste incineration: Oslo plant (Longship)  Jannicke Bjerkås Fortum Oslo Varme
14:45 Low carbon cement (CLEANKER)  Alla Shogenova TalTech
15:00 Latest news from the QUEST project  Sara Minisini Shell 
15:15 Gorgon project  Ishtar Barranco Chevron Australia
15:30 Panel discussion/Q&A  
Session 2:   Research - Contributions to MMV, storage potential and risk assessment
15:45 Progress at the Field Research Station, Canada  Don Lawton University of Calgary  
16:00 HyStories - Hydrogen Storage In European Subsurface  Arnaud Reveillere GeoStock
16:15 State of play of CO2 storage in Europe  Heike Rütters BGR
16:30 Panel discussion/Q&A 
16:40 Outlook for 2022 and close  Roman Berenblyum CO2GeoNet ExCo Chair  