8° Scientific Diving Summer School of Panarea: call for applications

Published time: 19 June, 2024 10:56

The Scientific Diving Summer School of Panarea is jointly organised by OGS, Sapienza University and CO2GeoNet, in collaboration with INGV and Parthenope University, and it's funded by the project ECCSELLENT (Development of ECCSEL-R.I. Italian facilities: user access, services and long-term sustainability).



The school is open to undergraduates, graduates, professionals, postgraduates in scientific disciplines, as well as professionals involved in the study and management of land and sea. Topics include the geological features of the unique active volcanic area of the island of Panarea, its biological components adapted to naturally acidified vents systems, and the characterization of hydrothermal fluids.

Participants will be trained in:
•       multi-parameter monitoring
•       definition of experimental protocols for the sampling of CO2-rich fluids
•       investigation of benthic communities
•       ocean acidification and its effects on organisms, communities, and ecosystems/habitats
•       management and establishment of scientific monitoring sites
•       professional dive planning with nautical and navigational advice.


The course consists of 6 scientific dives, and lectures cover topics in physical, chemical, and biological oceanography, marine ecology, and geosciences, with particular emphasis on marine geology and volcanology, marine hydrothermal systems, effects of climate change and ocean acidification, experimental design, and sampling.


The first day of the school will be dedicated to a workshop on CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage). Students will attend lectures on these technologies which play an important role in tackling global warming by reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere, as well as on the mission and challenges of ECCSEL-ERIC (European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure, the European initiative aiming to create a network of top quality research laboratories dedicated to the development of CCUS technologies. Special attention will be given to ECCSEL-NatLab Italy and the research activities carried out using the natural CO2 venting of the Panarea volcanic complex to test new high-tech instruments and monitoring programs in CCUS projects.




Please send the completed application form with all information about yourself, your education, and a Curriculum Vitae with special reference to your diving experience to divingschoolpanarea@gmail.com by July 19 at the latest.
The maximum number of participants is 10.