Capacity Building

proactive action to train a new generation of scientists, able to tackle all the aspects of CO2 geological storage

Scientific Diving Summer School of Panarea

The Scientific Diving Summer School, hosted at the ECCSEL NatLab Italy at Panarea (Italy), offers scientific training for researchers, professionals and volunteers willing 
to enhance their knowledge on the submarine environment, particularly on subjects related to the effects of climate changes, ocean acidification and CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage).

Participants will have the unique possibility to explore
 and investigate the chemical, biological and geological characteristics of a natural acidified laboratory in the unique active volcanic area of Panarea island, combining a strong scientific preparation with extensive practical experience in gathering underwater samples and data.

The School is jointly organised by OGS, Sapienza University and CO2GeoNet, in collaboration with INGV and Parthenope University, and it's funded by the project ECCSELLENT—Development of ECCSEL-R.I. Italian facilities: user access, services and long-term sustainability, CUPF53C22000560006, European Union – NextGenerationEU - PNRR IR0000020, Italian Ministry of University and Research n. 3264/2021.



International Master in CO2 Geological Storage

The International master in “CO2 Geological Storage” is a one-year course (60 ECTS) providing a comprehensive preparation for young professionals interested to work in the field of CO2 Geological Storage (CCS). The course is composed of lessons, fieldworks, and a period of traineeship at one of CO2GeoNet research institutes.

The Master will present an overview of state-of-the-art CCS operations and research; it will focus on the technical and scientific aspects of CO2 injection and safety monitoring, the exploration of critical processes in laboratory studies, numerical modelling, and on sound and reliable storage capacity estimates, including the project economics and planning of mitigation measures in case regulatory requirements are not fully met.

The master is jointly organised by Sapienza University of Rome and University of Zagreb in cooperation with CO2Geonet.


Sotacarbo Summer School on low carbon energy technologies

The purpose of the Summer School is to outline some of the key aspects related to CCUS and their role in mitigation the climate change issues. It aims to provide information on recent technology advancements in the field of low carbon energy conversion.

The school covers different research areas, such as power generation from renewable energy sources (as biomass) and the application of carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage to power generation and industry.

The 8th edition will be held from 10th to 14th June 2024 and will be specifically focused on renewable fuels (i.e. hydrogen, methanol, sustainable aviation fuels, and many more) for the deep decarbonization of hard-to-abate sectors. 

The Summer School venue is the Sotacarbo Research Centre located in Sardinia (Italy).



The Summer School is offered at no cost and there is a limit of 40 participants allocated on a first come first served basis. A certificate of participation will be awarded to the attendees.

The 8th edition of the Sotacarbo Summer School is organized within the “Advanced Sustainable technologieS for Energy Transition” project, funded by the Regional Government of Sardinia.